
For Patients:
We provide safe and reliable tools for Patients to:
- Find Healthcare Providers and/or Facilities in their area
- Book an appointment online from a computer or mobile device
- Schedule a Walk-In appointment
- Cancel or change appointments

For Healthcare Providers:
HealthClinics.com provides Patient Scheduling, e-Prescribing certified on the Surescripts® network, Medical Billing, OpenEMR Service & Support, and Tele-Medicine. Our services are designed to meet the growing demand of technology for Health Clinics, Urgent Care and Private Practice.

Our online patient scheduling process is one of the ways we make it easy for Healthcare Providers to spend more time on patient care. Patients can book their appointment with your facility through the HealthClinics.com scheduling portal. Along with our secure web based portal, our scheduling software easily integrates with Microsoft Outlook, Google Calendar and Apple's iCal.

For more information about HealthTech, please visit our corporate website.


Digital Healthcare Solutions

©2024 healthtech, inc.